if a crow sit on on current wire it will not fell current but a man touch it he get shock . why/
4 10078Post New Asianet Interview Questions
Define power bi?
What is the source code for display the picture in button click event?
What is openquery?
In what ways you would know whether a system is unicode or non-unicode?
when does a dataset go uncataloged?
global sheet and external excel sheet how it will work
are there any sub-types of the 4 main types of bank accounts ?.........if yes what are they?
Describe the term request handler?
Tell me why did you choose this line of work as insurance sales? : insurance sales
What are the components/elements/layout sets in sap script ?
What are the problem with .NET generics?
What is the system update readiness tool?
How does azure cloud work?
Is python faster than python2?
what type of waves exactly the radiations are ?