Imagine that u r driving a car from mysore to bangalore at a speed of no is KA-19 DB1955. distance between bangalore and mysore is 250 Km..... Now tell me wat s the date of birth of the driver............
25 43230Post New AP Puzzles Interview Questions
What is the difference between a virus and malware?
What are the characteristics of dbms?
Which parameter specified in the default storage clause of create tablespace cannot be altered after creating the table space?
Write the steps to execute session method?
How do you check if a port is listening in windows?
What is the main function of multiplexed address/data bus?
How to create additional tablespaces for an new database?
What is the difference between the primary and unique key in mysql?
Why angular material is used?
what are the components in electrical control panel (for example: 415V, 3-ph, panel to operate utility and 3-ph DG set).
Will upgrading to windows 10 delete my files?
What is wait() and notify()?
Discuss the different factors affecting congestion control algorithms. ?
So, then, what is the global keyword?
What is transient response?