When are Hall Tickets Issued for Group I prelims on July 25? Do they send hall tickets by post or should we download from a website?
2 3970Post New AP Group I Interview Questions
Asp pages that worked pefectly on windows 2000 server and iis 5.0 do not work on windows 2003 server with iis 6.0. Asp.net pages work fine. Why?
What will replace flash in 2020?
How do you generate form 24q ?
What is db2 and what is the use of db2 optimizer?
What is difference between source & source type?
What is tuberculosis?
What is declaration and definition in c?
Tell me how does a server find out server unavailability?
What is the definition of LOSS. Give the formula if any.
Is it compulsory and binding that the H forms are available only for Exports. Is H Form is available for Deemed Export Category. Supplies under a Service Provider Category. Executing a Project under ICB Category.
What is impersonation, and when would you use impersonation?
How to data driven test for Win objects in QTP ?
What is excel data analysis?
What is the use of the co> operating system in ab initio?
What is the strategy for automation test plan?