what is buffer resistance starter.?.What is the working principle and where it is used..?
What is virtual channel
Which pipe should I use SAW, ERW or seamless if I have the following constraints I have to transport methane gas Size is 8” Corrosive environment Sulphide is present Also tell the cost comparison
What's MUDRA bank yojana
Explain bdc?
How long will it take to learn linux?
IS IT Possible to inherit the AJAX page from child class which(child) is inherit from page class.Because i should apply some security in child class
What are the underflow and overflow behaviors on float literals?
Is wordpress a programming language?
Is tomcat free for commercial use?
How would you find out the mean of one column with respect to another?
What is the temperature at which diesel normally boils?
what are the differences between and exec cics xctl and exec cics start command?
How do I use datasources with tomcat?
Is there a main in python?