What are the different bean scopes in spring?
Why did you score comparatively less marks in Class 12th?
I know that in version ECC6 exists the functionality of document splitting like this: If an Invoice is for 11,000/-.Then we write the GL as : vendor A/C Dr XXXX to Purchase 1 XXX to Purchase 2 XXX to Tax XX But through Document Splitting we can write it based on the %age of sharing as 80 : 20%.. Vendor A/c 8,800(DR) Purchase A/C 8,000(Cr) Tax 800 (Cr) Vendor A/C 2,200 (Dr) Purchase 2000(Cr) Tax 200(Cr) This is called Document Splitting But when you talk about tax, you mean a line item created manually like tax or a document where you complete the tax code and the line is created automatically? Thanks a lot in advance. REgards,Lorena
Name some important applications of microsoft azure
How do I get rid of unwanted columns in excel?
What are the characteristic of unitary political science?
Define thread?
What are the skills needed for a BPO back-office job?
what are the tools required for sw integration
Cloud computing can save money ? Explain.
What Is Rdbms?
What is an administration server?
what is the correct format to create a resume for interview??
What is mysql data directory?
Which built-in method combines the text of two strings and returns a new string?