Why is serialization required?
Can you define bms?
What is the difference between "interface vs type" statements?
Why were the Gothic Churches able to have large stain glass windows?
What is the order for installing the application, tools, and third party products?
Tell me about ur college days
Describe the evolution of science and its impact on society
Can the expiration parameter of 365 in the cognos 8 configuration how to increase common symmetric key lifetime in days
How do you create an array in php?
What in your opinion makes you the most suitably qualified candidate for this post of civil engineering technician?
What is activex control in internet explorer?
Delay/sleep can be achieved by?
What is difference between inline and code behind?
Why can't you declare a class as protected?
If a slab concrete is placed with M-20 grade concrete, actually it has to be placed with M-30. what are the rectifications / measures to be taken after concreting is done.