If i make my selection in State Dropdown list, i would the City and ZipCode dropdown list to be automatically reupdated based on the State i select.(This to avoid the user select a City or Zipcode that does not correspond to the State previously selected.)
2 5398How one can say about a device (e.g: a light holder contains 20 or 30 L.E.Ds which glows when power supply is off, from which source they are getting the supply..... battery or capacitor) without removing and opening up its case ?
1 2611Hi Friends, I am going to give Foundation Level Testing Exam from ISTQB, I need its dumps and study material. Please help me if any one has. Thanks in Advance
2 4337There are 200 questions on a 3 hr examination.Among these questions are 50 mathematics problems.It is suggested that twice as much time be spent on each maths problem as for each other question.How many minutes should be spent on mathematics problems, plz give detail, how to solve?
5 28141Post New CMC Interview Questions
What is the difference between a java future and a scala future?
what are the reports developed in sap bw project and what is the requirement for developing it?
telecom rf engineer
Explain dhcp and its uses to an environment?
You are shrunk down so you're the size of a matchstick and then put into a blender with metal blades. It is about to be turned on what do you do?
Will it be feasible for you if the job requires a lot of travel?
How to use distinct in linq query?
what is difference between supply chain and logistics
What are the drawbacks of blockchain?
What is Dynamic xpath in selenium ?
while am calibrating Drager polytron 2IR flame gas detector occured non zero status.how can i get zero status?
What is deque in the java collections framework? : java collections
Define gathers?
My Question is regarding WCT. During an audit of a company, i saw a contractor consolidated invoice for installation at site in which it shows labour charges and goods supply separately and no service tax and vat is charged. The company pay the whole amount to contractor after deducting TDS. my question is whether WCT also deducted? if deducted at which rate if company in gurgaon?
Define 'std'.