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CMC Interview Questions
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what is overloading and overriding with example?

2 15689

Tell me one example for multi valued dimension or bridge table?

2 18048

What is Drill by? drill through?

1 9932

write a test case for yahoo compose page?


Write a program for calculator in VB.NET

6 17601

7. Do you have reference list?

4 56473

If i make my selection in State Dropdown list, i would the City and ZipCode dropdown list to be automatically reupdated based on the State i select.(This to avoid the user select a City or Zipcode that does not correspond to the State previously selected.)

2 5308

What are the valid parameter types we can pass in an Indexer ?

3 5802

what is server? can anyboday tell me abstractly about server.

10 9636

how to get value in combo for updation?

1 6141

How one can say about a device (e.g: a light holder contains 20 or 30 L.E.Ds which glows when power supply is off, from which source they are getting the supply..... battery or capacitor) without removing and opening up its case ?

1 2537

what are the basic elements of firewall?

2 8846

a step by step procedure on the action in testing and verifying of results is called a

3 10168

Hi Friends, I am going to give Foundation Level Testing Exam from ISTQB, I need its dumps and study material. Please help me if any one has. Thanks in Advance

2 4232

There are 200 questions on a 3 hr examination.Among these questions are 50 mathematics problems.It is suggested that twice as much time be spent on each maths problem as for each other question.How many minutes should be spent on mathematics problems, plz give detail, how to solve?

5 27920

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CMC Interview Questions

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Explain HTML Hyperlinks?


What is the diameter of the 3"inch nails?


What are the characteristics of a musical sound?


What is boolean data type in java?


What is the use of Adapter engine AAE in PI system?


Explain the main in sapscript


List the types of polymorphism in c++?


What are the 5 types of research methods?


how to start mysql server? : Sql dba


Print a given number, in reverse order using a shell script such that the input is provided using command line argument only.


What is a stacked bar chart?


Please list the types of Firewalls, Routers, Switches, Servers, you manage?


Clear property is available in ____,___ control.


What is link function in angularjs directive?


How do I find my os version?