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4079Can anyone provide the definitions for the following abbreviations? Thanx to anyone who could CIT CAP
1805I am reading a file in CL program. and MONMSG CPF0864 has arrived means EOF has arrived. Now i want to read this file again. How i can do this?
5 14776Post New CitiGroup Interview Questions
Explain about column name and getter method?
what is the sql equivaent of the dataset relation object ?
How do you convert basic cube to transaction cube and transaction cube to basic cube?
When is the finalize() called? What is the purpose of finalization?
Which kind of agent architecture should an agent an use? a) Relaxed b) Logic c) Relational d) All of the mentioned
Explain the usage of Web Browser Control?
How does sybase replication work?
If a table contains 20000 records. In a page at each time 100 records to be displayed.
what is JSON-RPC and JSON Parser?
Why is it required to have a keyed directed retrieval?
What is s3? What is it used for? How can an encoding be used?
Give an example of closure?
Plz send me the questions that could be asked in an interview for a Bank Clerical job to suja_aln@yahoo.co.in. Thank you.
How do you approach the diagnosis and management of patients with hematologic malignancies such as lymphomas or myelodysplastic syndromes?
How to navigate documents by using the browse buttons in ms word?