i want to download book of objective english in pdf format by r s aggarwal plzzzzzzzzz give me the link of it.
4030Can anyone provide the definitions for the following abbreviations? Thanx to anyone who could CIT CAP
1755I am reading a file in CL program. and MONMSG CPF0864 has arrived means EOF has arrived. Now i want to read this file again. How i can do this?
5 14536Post New CitiGroup Interview Questions
Good day everyone,currently in our premise we using 30kw slip ring motor with resistance bank which we use as forward and reverse at conveyor bar handling. So,my question is how do we calculate the resistance bank which is suit the motor. Kindly,assist me... thank you
What is cdma? Explain.
How to check vortex flow meter is in good condition while we do not having calibration setup?
How python can be used in machine learning?
What different fetching strategies are of hibernate?
What are the different configurations that can be done in Integration directory?
which operator is used in query for pattern matching? : Sql dba
Explain about the exit-activity method?
How to add a view helper directory (zend framework)?
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Explain @SessionScoped annotations?
What is icmp flood?
Are there any parts of the .net framework 3.0 that only work on windows vista?
Explain the staffing status