Why does frame shift mutation (GC gase paired) occurs due to the pesticides in TA98 salmonella tester strain? What is its reason and the mode of action of the pesticides on the CG sequence of the DNA of TA98 strain
Define delegates and events?
Where is microsoft recycle bin located?
What are the vldb properties? Which level of vldb configurations have the highest precedence?
Hi Friends I am learning QTP and in preliminary stage, able to write statements with no addl constraints however i am not able to get a solution if there are two options to be selected from the weblist and also when there are options with radio buttons need your help Thanks
What are the basic actions that can be performed on search engines? - SEO
What are the details required to be included in the advertisements?
Explain how to reverse singly link list.
Differentiate between ‘ and ” quotes.
What are the advantages of DataSets?
Can I disable first level cache in hibernate?
What is the purpose of skeleton and stub?
Why is java multithreaded?
What is an event emmitter?
Is spring easy to learn?