How is efficiency of DG set calculated? At many places I found the efficiency to be mentioned in percentage. But at some other places I found kWH/ litres. I want to know how dimensionless percentage value is arrived at?
1518Post New ADS Spirits Interview Questions
What are the features of c# which are not present in
What are the methods to avoid memory leaks in android?
What is undefined x 1 in JavaScript?
Explain how does traceroute work? Now how does traceroute make sure that the packet follows the same path that a previous (with ttl - 1) probe packet went in?
What is binary search in java?
Mention whether you can create relational joins in tableau without creating a new table?
Can we shrink data file in sql server?
How to prevent web services from unauthorized access?
What is the best method for Storing Objects in Cassandra ?
How to decide DO set rating of Transformer?
Explain index cardinality?
What are the components?
Why is error handling required?
What are tuples in python? How differ with lists?
why can't we share the charging of one phone to another phone? it would be useful during emergency times!! And the mode of sharing should be wireless...