How is efficiency of DG set calculated? At many places I found the efficiency to be mentioned in percentage. But at some other places I found kWH/ litres. I want to know how dimensionless percentage value is arrived at?
1518Post New ADS Spirits Interview Questions
Which functions are used as preferences over state history? a) Award b) Reward c) Explicit d) Implicit
Differentiate between angular and angularjs.
Explain about set currency?
What is gradient? How to apply gradient?
Which command is used to see the online manual?
How use Xml data in
want to know the questions and answers frequently asking in banks at the time of interview for any cadre
What is postgresql client?
What is the difference between cassandra's schema and rdbms schema?
When delegating a recent assignment, how you showed your confidence in the person's ability to do the job?
What is the Sandbox Solutions?Why we are using that?
What is entitymanagerfactory?
What are the key inputs and factors considered to plan the number of SGSN/GGSN if you have to set up a Greenfield network?
What are the general rules on data consistency?
Does partitioning improve performance sql server?