Which is the best book for building construction?
How would you define the end of a macro?
Is underline a font style?
Explain restrictions for using anonymous inner classes?
is this the formula of building wiring to get the main breaker.Watts/volts*.8%+higher motor*(25%)=ampere. yes or no or send the correct formula for building wiring.
What is an identity mapper and identity reducer?
How to communicate via Remote proxy with Client? a)MarshalByRef b)Marshal by Value or Any thing else?
What is the characteristic of streaming API that makes it flexible run MapReduce jobs in languages like Perl, Ruby, Awk etc.?
How do stored procedures work?
i want the steps involved in the customization for the process order. my situations is if i take the process order for x qty then stores people can issue only x qty not less or not more. how to do this. pls help me
What is the best excel training course?
What is ctrl q?
What is final int?
Why would you have a private network?
What does br stand for in games?