What is stoppropagation() and stopimmediatepropagation()?
In a systen design to work out the tax to be paid: An employee has Rs 4000 of salary tax free. the next Rs 1500 is taxed at 10% , the next Rs 28000 is taxed at 22% , any further amount is taxed at 40% , the nearest whole Rs, which of these is a valid boundary value analysis test case ???? a)Rs 1500 b)Rs 32001 c)Rs 33501 d) Rs 28000.
Explain what is full load & incremental or refresh load?
As we use capacitior bank in 3ph ckt for improvement of PF, why not we use capacitor in single phase domestric use, at our house their are many inductive equipments,like fan,mixer,tube choke,air conditioner they also draw PF... by using capacitor can they improve PF. if yes--what are advantage and how to connect a capactor in single ph,and which type of capacitor if no- what are disadvantages.
What is sql server query analyzer?
What is a non-durable topic subscriber?
how can you pass values to-and-fro from foreign function?
What is the function of setautocommit?
What is the purpose of Dataware Control?
What is pytables?
What is html xml css?
What is composite cost of capital?
How is the inter portlet communication carried out in jsr 168 portlet?
What is breadcrumb in bootstrap and how we can use it?
What is the importance of "method" attribute in a html form?