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Celstream Interview Questions
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Rearrange MERGANY

4 6819

Rearrange BBIRAT

4 6474

What is the error in the given sequence. 2,3 6,7 14,15 29,46.


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What is list in scala collection?


I need to change the Company address parameters of a user. The path is SU01 -> -> Change - > Address Tab - > Display Icon in Company Address section. In the new screen, i see a preview section icon; on clicking which, I can change the parameters such as "Sending Country"; "Street/PO Box number" and number of lines in the resulting pop up. Here though i change the parameter "Street/PO Box number" field to 'S' ( Street has priority over PO Box), its changing again to 'P' (PO Box has priority over street) only. In the help section it is written that if we set the user parameter (tcode SU3) LND1 to the desired country we can control the user specific Sending Country with the desired value else it takes the Sending Country of the Company defined by default. But no such parameter has been given for Street/PO Box number so that we could change its value atleast there. Someone suggest me how to change the Street/PO Box number of the Address format for a user to the desired value.


What is the use of ienumerable?


can you please send me the technical questions and aptitude questions of honeywell and jindal steel electrical engg. question paper my e-mail ID is(


What would happen if a disk one light second in circumference were to spin at 60 rpm?


What is a dynamic assembly?


What are the operations that support avoiding duplicate record?


"When you will install a new piston ring, what will be the position of it?"


Has anyone attended any interviews in IITs for the positions like Research Associates/Fellowships?


how to calculate transformer load?


Difference between MAN and REVERSING SYSTEM?


Which object oriented concept is achieved by using overloading and overriding?


What are the difference between of the “HDFS Block” and “Input Split”?


What are the population, sample, training set, design set, validation set, and test set?


Why do we need a structure?