The founder of Indian National Congress was (1) Bal Gangadhar Tilak (2) A.O. Hume (3) Dadabhai Nauroji (4) Gopal Krishna Gokhale
23 33117what r the verstions from 1st to present (verstions) of mercury tools (like winrunner,QTP,Loadrunner) ? Chandana
1678Hello guys i'm doing MBA in HR 3rd sem, I'm appearing for campus recruitment i wana kno how these interviewver decides package during interview, wat is the criteria ? because in same campus one get low pacakage and other get high.... which could be factor for variation.
1 5285Post New Mannar Company Interview Questions
How to drop a tablespace?
Can i know what will be the cut off criteria for go to final isro interview??
Is php a strongly typed language?
Give example to declare variable using both val and var in Kotlin?
Why overfitting occurs?
hi this is ashok , i never worked in medical domain , can any one pls send me with proper exaple pls Question is while emergency or normal patitent enter into hospital he entered his first and last name and he enter emergency coloumn , write test case on these ,
How to overcome the exception object reference not set to an instance of object?
How many ways can we create the string object?
What is file layout definitions?
What is address in wcf?
Which command is used to show the current hbase user?
How will you allow a class to be inherited, but prevent the method from being over-ridden?
Tell me about your weakness and hobbies?
Is pgadmin open source?
how you can add bookmark to the video in powerpoint 2013?