The founder of Indian National Congress was (1) Bal Gangadhar Tilak (2) A.O. Hume (3) Dadabhai Nauroji (4) Gopal Krishna Gokhale
23 33115what r the verstions from 1st to present (verstions) of mercury tools (like winrunner,QTP,Loadrunner) ? Chandana
1678Hello guys i'm doing MBA in HR 3rd sem, I'm appearing for campus recruitment i wana kno how these interviewver decides package during interview, wat is the criteria ? because in same campus one get low pacakage and other get high.... which could be factor for variation.
1 5285Post New Mannar Company Interview Questions
What are the key features of dbms?
By default, which cloud infrastructure layer is supported by openstack, when install?
Is there a free alternative to powerpoint?
hi, my qusetion is that plz send me the complete testplan and test cases of any web application with testing too so i have an idea bcz i have no any experience in it
What is page layout and record types? : salesforce admin
What would you like to discuss? Your work-ex or Your Engineering?
How will you identify particular process is automatable or not?
Explain task granularity
How many jdbc driver types are there?
What are the benefits of mysql?
Define the word Profit in terms of business
Are c# tuples immutable?
What is difference between function overloading and operator overloading?
What are the businesses benefits of blockchain?
What is c token?