In a systen design to work out the tax to be paid: An employee has Rs 4000 of salary tax free. the next Rs 1500 is taxed at 10% , the next Rs 28000 is taxed at 22% , any further amount is taxed at 40% , the nearest whole Rs, which of these is a valid boundary value analysis test case ???? a)Rs 1500 b)Rs 32001 c)Rs 33501 d) Rs 28000.
2 4862The degree to which the software LOC of a program has been tested is called A.Data flow testing B.Code coverage C.Code walk through D.Statement coverage
1 4448which of the following is NOT a characteristic of User Acceptance Testing?? A.Use of automated test execution tools B.Testing performed by user C.testing against acceptance test criteria D.integration of system with user documentation.
2 7362I used the below code to open QTP through VBscript?But i can unable to Invoke QTP...PLZ help me with the correct code to invoke QTP through VBS with description of the code aswell. Dim qtApp 'As QuickTest.Application 'Declare the Application object variable Dim qtTest 'As QuickTest.Test 'Declare a Test object variable Dim qtResultsOpt 'Declare a Run Results Options object variable Set qtApp = CreateObject("QuickTest.Application") 'Create the Application object qtApp.Launch 'Start QuickTest qtApp.Visible = False 'Make the QuickTest application visible qtApp.Open "C:\form", True 'Open the test in read-only mode 'set run settings for the test Set qtTest = qtApp.Test qtTest.Run 'Run the test 'WScript.StdOut.Write "Status is: " & qtTest.LastRunResults.Status 'Check the results of the test run qtTest.Close 'Close the test qtApp.quit 'Close QuickTest Pro Set qtResultsOpt = Nothing 'Release the Run Results Options object Set qtTest = Nothing 'Release the Test object Set qtApp = Nothing 'Release the Application object
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