Out of the following, which river crosses the equator twice? (a) Amazon (b) Nile (c) Zaire (d) Orinoco
14 59445Who organized the East India Association in London to mobilize public opinion for Indian welfare? (a) Justice Ranade (b) Dadabhai Naoroji (c) Surendranath Banerjee (d) Anandamohan Bose
5 15527The continent of Africa is divided into two parts by the: (a) Sahara Desert (b) Atlas Mountains (c) Congo River
2 12817The Planning commission of India is: (a) an autonomous body (b) a constitutional body (c) statutory body (d) non-statutory body
17 62888Which State has the largest number of common borders with other States? (a) Madhya Pradesh (b) Andhra Pradesh (c) Rajasthan (d) West Bengal
11 27743The President of India is not a member of Parliament because: (a) he has to maintain his dignity of office (b) he has to see that he remains impartial (c) it is a constitutional requirement (d) his position will be lowered if he becomes the member of Parliament
1 7335Who can initiate impeachment proceedings against the President of India? (a) Only Lok Sabha (b) Rajya Sabha (c) Any Vidhan Sabha (d) Either House of Parliament
4 25499Given a input file with duplicates how to remove the duplicate records from the file using JCL?
6 30348. ‘Mixed economy’ means Co-existence of : (1) Public sector and Private sector (2) The poor and the rich (3) Heavy and light industries (4) All the above
2 11168. The main constituents of pearl are (a) Calcium carbonate and magnesium carbonate (b) Aragonite and conchiolin (c) Ammonium sulphate and sodium chloride (d) Calcium oxide and ammonium chloride
17 38762. The first to start a joint stock company to trade with India were the (a) Portuguese (b) Dutch (c) French (d) Danish
7 22017Post New CDS Interview Questions
Explain localization and how to achieve?
What is a depreciation key? : fi- asset accounting
can anyone send me a copy of a business requirement and test cases attributed to such requirent. thank u
What is the difference between asp.net & vb.net and explain architecture?
Tell me are there canned mvvm "data behaviors" planned for wp7?
Write a function that takes in two sorted lists and outputs a sorted list that is their union?
What is the difference in using Action interface and ActionSupport class for our action classes, which one you would prefer?
Explain ng-include directive.
What is a function in programming?
What are the Service Model in Cloud Computing?
What are the differences between reflection and dynamic?
How to write a program to bind string values in a preparedstatement?
How do you set up background jobs in sap? What are the steps? What are the events driven batch jobs?
What do we deal in?