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CDS General Knowledge_Current Affairs Interview Questions
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General Knowledge & Current Affairs Questions and Answers - Set 2

174 1210432

The continent of Africa is divided into two parts by the: (a) Sahara Desert (b) Atlas Mountains (c) Congo River

2 12816

The Planning commission of India is: (a) an autonomous body (b) a constitutional body (c) statutory body (d) non-statutory body

17 62888

Which State has the largest number of common borders with other States? (a) Madhya Pradesh (b) Andhra Pradesh (c) Rajasthan (d) West Bengal

11 27743

The President of India is not a member of Parliament because: (a) he has to maintain his dignity of office (b) he has to see that he remains impartial (c) it is a constitutional requirement (d) his position will be lowered if he becomes the member of Parliament

1 7335

Who can initiate impeachment proceedings against the President of India? (a) Only Lok Sabha (b) Rajya Sabha (c) Any Vidhan Sabha (d) Either House of Parliament

4 25498

. The main constituents of pearl are (a) Calcium carbonate and magnesium carbonate (b) Aragonite and conchiolin (c) Ammonium sulphate and sodium chloride (d) Calcium oxide and ammonium chloride

17 38762

. The first to start a joint stock company to trade with India were the (a) Portuguese (b) Dutch (c) French (d) Danish

7 22010

The charcoal use to decolorizes raw sugar is 1 Animal charcoal 2 Sugar charcoal 3 Coconut charcoal 4 Wood charcoal

3 13301

Inside the body, blood does not coagulate due to the presence of 1 Fibrin 2 Hemoglobin 3 Heparin 4 Thromboplastin

4 20166

Old-written material, which cannot be read easily, can be read by 1 Cosmic rays 2 Ultraviolet rays 3 Infra red rays 4 None of these

1 2936

what is the highest mountain in india

17 15983

Post New CDS General Knowledge_Current Affairs Interview Questions

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Hello, Using Visual Studio 2005 (VB) I am working to create a Web Site implementing the following: Within a gridView I have placed a dropdownlist control with a DataSourceID="SDSLkupList". SDSLkupList is a sqlDataSource used to store a lookup list for dropdownlist translation from ID to text. SDSLkupList contains the translation text and other fields related to the dropdown selection ID. (Thought it would be efficient to get everything at the same time.) I would like to provide the user the ability to select from the dropdownlist and, based on the selection, use labels to list related columns stored on the SDSLkupList in separate gridView columns. I have read that SqlDataSources are not meant to be used for individual controls. Since SDSLkupList contains all related information, is there a way to do a find using the dropdownlist selectedValue? (I was not able to discover one.) Otherwise, what should I use? It would need to set the labels on the gridView DataRowBound event as well as the SelectedIndexChanged events. Has anyone done this? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in Advance. Neal


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Hi, Anybody knows about Hexaware company..


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