How can I check the quality of sand,brick,and aggregateat site without using any labouratory test?
1 7412how much st. steel is required for staging of concourse slab of a elevated metro station allowing through traffic .
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how to carried out tan delta test in 11 KV alternator ?
How do I find my installed apps?
What do you mean by a domain?
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How to do integration testing on duster......
Can structures be passed to the functions by value?
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What are the types of comments in c#?
What are the different types of collections in apex? What are maps in apex?
How can a LOG for testcases be maitained which can give information about a TestCase that is it new one or has been occured in previous versions of the software.
Can I install exchange 2003 on windows 2000 server?
Explain how you can extend the class in codeigniter?
According to set theory, sets that do not contain themselves are typically referred to as?
How would you describe your ideal job?
Explain what is memcache?