Raj has a jewel chest containing Rings, Pins and Ear-rings. The chest contains 26 pieces. Raj has 2 1/2 times as many rings as pins, and the number of pairs of earrings is 4 less than the number of rings. How many earrings does Raj have?
5 21586Which is the first country in the world to allow mercy-killing after its Senate passed a Bill legalizing euthanasia by 46-28 votes? (A) The Netherlands (B) Nigeria (C) The Philippines (D) Portugal
14 33711what is public ltd company and difference between public ltd company and public sector undertaking?
6 42620Post New Capital IQ Interview Questions
How to Flush binary file from disk cache to disk ?
Is html client side or server side?
Can you automate porting angular 1 code to angular 2?
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What is an image tag?
How do you open an already existing file and add content to it?
List components of jndi?
I am having a Phoenix digital to modbus converter. The o/p of the same is connected to flow computer FB407. But the digital signals are updated only after one minute in the flow computer. what may be the cause of delay in communication? Flow computer is having a scanning period of less than 1 sec.
What are the differences between Swing and AWT?
Explain the validation feature in angularjs?
List out the roles of software quality assurance engineer?
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The standard query operators are themselves a set of extension methods that provide the LINQ query functionality for any type that implements the IEnumerable interface in Visual Basic. Is it True or False?
What is soap client?
What does the following query do? Insert overwrite table employees partition (country, state) select ..., Se.cnty, se.st from staged_employees se;