Difference between update and doupdate?
Can you cancel windows update in progress?
Explain Union, Intersect and Except?
suppose I having 6 interfaces and running the interface 3 rd one failed how to run remaining interfaces?
How to upload files using html to website?
How to Form Abstract Local Addresses?
Test the save dialog in Notepad?
what actually work of a software enggg in software company..? and how to the intraduce GUI to a programme....?
Explain Sharepoint 2010 Architecture.
How do I find the path of a program in windows?
How can tablespace be moved to another dasd volume that is allocated for that tablespace?
Explain the function of the load command?
What are the steps involved in writing and setting up an application in ruby on rails?
I’m not a developer but I am being hacked and I see same stuff in my browser how can I use my browser info to determine who has my identity Here is the browser information https://search.yahoo.com/search?p=date+camp&fr=iphone&.tsrc=apple&pcarrier=TFW&pmcc=311&pmnc=480&vm=r Please help this is on going for 6 years
• Which is the latest one?