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Campus Interview Interview Questions
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I have done B.Sc.(H)Zoology.Presently doing MBA(Global Business).Went for an interview.There they asked me "Why did you do MBA after doing B.Sc.?"

20 45838

what is FAT?.

12 18551

tell me the most memorable day of ur life and why is it so?

49 737489

tell me something about your happiest moment

29 224723

How many number of bricks required for 1 cum & how much mortar quantity require for 1 cum

22 113635

What is the nature of Outstanding Expenses?

9 27025

What is test case of dustbin ?

5 21340

What is the difference b/t Session method and call transaction method ??

1 5592

Why Usa?

2 6756

What is the meaning of '8085' in the name microprocessor 8085?

3 6830

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How do u configure the script?


What are conditional comments ?


How do I fix dll errors in windows 10?


Creation of wage type


How to test an Scheduled event? For ex: in an investment banking application, the scheduler will create an equity anbd user has nothing to do but tester has to test if the instrument is created properly or not?


What is difference between const and static in c#?


How do I restore?


Explain the working of splunk?


What is the difference between autotext and quick parts?


Why choosing a right strategy is more important than choosing a tool for sap testing?


Explain transparent table?


What does regex mean?


How does posting happen in mm (materials management) during special periods?


fd redeem interest and principal entry in tally


How do you perform risk classification? What is difference between low, medium and high risk classification?