Tell something about BASEL III Norms?
What is boundary testing?
Explain the process of serialization in .NET?
What is a coalesce? What is the equivalent of oracle/db2 coalesce function in sybase?
Can you instantiate a struct without using a new operator in c#?
Hai sir, I had planned to write the NIC scientific engineer exam , plz post the sample question......
What do you know about the Banking Sector?
What is generic types in c#?
Can you hide posts on wordpress?
Mention the difference between abap and ooabap?
What is a tableau data sheet?
hai this is sreenu...i also applied for the post of PO in syndicate bank..
What is voltage? ?? What type of of show voltage. ?? Practillay how's voltage?
How to convert nsmutablearray to swift array in swift?
What is a Complex Element?