Dear all, how we select the cable size according to current with or without including different correction factor , is there any direct method for sizing of cable...
1825Post New Kharafi National Interview Questions
How java is similar to c?
How to check java version in windows xp?
what should be the ideal replication factor in hadoop?
Is it possible to use a new for the reallocation of pointers ?
What is ipa?
When should I use safe mode?
How will you do the 'create planning book with two tables'
Can anyone explain about purchase order & purchase requisition?
what is general HR?
Why u switch your career from BSC ( foods & nutrition) to MBA ( HRM)
Which functions in perl allows you to include a module file.
How do I copy a word document and keep formatting?
Describe the process as to how substring() methodology mechanisms in java.
What ethical dilemmas should be considered when genetic engineering is put into practice?
Why Water motor is not taking a load or pressure while everything is correct. (Note: Motor running properly)