What is the role of assert in node.js?
I want PTR Number and I am working professionaly related documents i have but officer asked me to bring any business commencement proof. here,I have no business? so what proof i will give to him.
How will you access the data on ebs in aws?
What is the purpose of regexp_label property and regexp_msw_class property?
What is a CGI script in Python?
Explain the difference between inductance and resistance?
What is the default prefix of wordpress tables?
What was the most chlleging task you face while working in SAP FI/MM and how did you solve?
When running Spark applications, is it necessary to install Spark on all the nodes of YARN cluster?
If a switch has been configured with two vlans, how many broadcast domains will be there
What is a multimap c++?
which of the following is not a character constant a) 'thank you' b) 'enter values of p, n ,r' c) '23.56E-o3' d) all of the above
What is the difference between the bandwidth of half duplex and simplex transmission?
What is the keyword to import a module in python?
What is a scope in javascript?