What is Relational Calculus?
what will do to avoid prior case?
Can I run any transact-sql command on a partitioned table in sybase?
What are the archiving options introduced in exchange server 2010?
On what level of security does windows nt meets?
please send me previous year questions of jspl through which i could prepare myself for the test.
What are the different types of table spaces?
What is the difference between external procurement and internal procurement?
where you will mention the cron task logic? Explain for 10 instances?
How do you find out who has transported a transport request?
Where do I put javascript in html?
What is difference between hibernate session get() and load() method?
What we should must perform to upgrade windows xp to windows 7?
if u r using bugzilla then it generates automatic bugids,while testing uhave got a bug then bug is represented through a bug id say bug1, then bug is assigned to developer he fixes a bug ,say the bug is fixed no error is got later after few regression cycles u have got the same bug but the bug is represented by diff id say bug2,tell me how do i come to know that it is the same bug that had occured previously but now it is represented by diff id
What is the gregoriancalendar class in java programming?