Using string functions write a program that will accept the name of the capital as input value and will display the corresponding country. ------------------------ Capitals Countries ------------------------ Capitals Countries Ottawa Canada Moscow Russia Rome Italy I can't not get it to run properly
1 21366Post New AMA Interview Questions
Explain how servlet life cycles?
Can you call a method on a null object?
Is is a public cloud or private cloud?
What is the difference between $_files['userfile']['name'] and $_files['userfile']['tmp_name']?
Write a program to print factorial of given number without using recursion?
How can you import tables from a sql file into a database by using the mysql client?
How big can an excel file be?
What is difference between dao and service?
Explain data binding in angular js.
Where do you use python programming? Can you describe in detail?
What are approximate numeric data types in ms sql server?
Which formula represents how ad rank is determined on google search?
What is the disease caused by hantavirus?
Tell me how you can re-size the image in photoshop?
What are the different types of update requests?