In a coal fired boiler furnace temp. is high but super heater out let temp. low what reason for this?
6 12620what is the max. and mim. height of vertical post in informatry sign board which is used in highway projects.
2322Post New Gayatri Interview Questions
What is a freezable?
What is variable and how many types of variable?
What is the disease caused by Sabia virus?
What are the approaches of extracting a query string with regular expressions?
What is Derby database?
What are the benefits of linux?
What are the cons of struts 2?
What is the difference between “dispose” and “finalize” variables in c#?
What are other erp systems available in the market?
How would you describe your personality?
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What is dictionary and hashtable in c#?
How to extends two classes in typescript?
One way of securing a network is through the use of passwords. What can be considered as good passwords?
What is the process to copy planning versions in r/3?