If login Screen has been modified by adding current date to be displayed. What Step to be followed to Keep that date as Current date Note: If no steps taken then it will display only the compilation date
2 5911If current liabilities shown in assets side of balance sheet.... what they did wrongly??? how can change the liabilty side from asset side???
2 31898Post New BridgeStone Interview Questions
What is basis path testing?
How do I fix winword exe error?
How do you organize the pig latin statements?
What is web xml file in spring?
INCLUDE is used ONLY on MVS/ESA Version 4 or higher systems to name an INCLUDE group. An INCLUDE group is a set of one or more valid JCL statements that are stored together in a JCLLIB data set or a system procedure library, and that are read in and used to replace the INCLUDE statement itself within the job. Any number of INCLUDE statements can be used in a job, but the name field value used on each should be unique within the job. The INCLUDE statements can appear in a job anywhere after the JOB statement, but may not appear between a CNTL and ENDCNTL JCL statement.
What is mvc design pattern in ios?
Explain the difference among deadlock avoidance, detection and prevention?
How many parts of a pl sql block are optional?
What is the simpletimezone class in java programming?
Name the datatypes of javascript?
What does money laundering involve?
If informatica has its scheduler why using third party scheduler?
Which function Returns the time of sunrise for a given day / location in PHP.
Explain about varargs in java?