There are 25 horses and only five tracks in a race. How do you find the second coming horse of all the 25 horses, provided there is no stop clock? (obviously, a horse cannot participate more than once in a race).
28 80821What is the smallest whole number that, when divided by 2, leaves a remainder of 1; when divided by 3, leaves a remainder of 2; and so on, up to leaving a remainder of 9 when divided by 10?
24 39186Post New Athena Health Care Interview Questions
Why line VTG = √3 phase VTG in star? How?
Why do we need apache server?
Explain pre-order and in-order tree traversal.
What is "echo" in php?
what does the shell commands “Capture” and “Consistency” determines?
Difference between Primary & Cluster index?
how apb protocol has a minimum power consumption?
What are business objects and what’s their utilization in rpa application?
Who made the first 64 bit processor?
Suppose I have gmail account, I want to delete all the mails in my inbox having the same name(for eg., Orkut). I have thousands of mails like that. So, how can I delete all the mails having single name. Is there any option provided in gmail?
You are having multiple memcache servers running python, in which one of the memcacher server fails, and it has your data, will it ever try to get key data from that one failed server?
Explain different authentication modes in
Explain about .net garbage collector?
How do you clear a stack?
what is the meaning of 5% droop or 7% droop in AVR?