Mention the ways in which parameterized can be invoked.
Can a static class implement an interface?
Without info cube can the planning book be created.
how to calculate orifice sizing? and tell me if pipe size bet 50mm t0 200mm then we can use pipe flange??? and above 250mm pipe size should i use D & D/2 Flange? is it right or wrong?
What configuration changes are required to use Tiles in Struts?
What are components of Natural language processing?
What is blockchain?
What is latest linux version?
How you can send the result back in json format in mvc?
Describe a pattern that is not the factory pattern? How is it used and when?
What are the steps to be followed to deploy a big data solution?
Which is the first communication satellite of the world?
What's the hardest coding language?
When do you use genbscript.exe?
give idea for creating screen in abap