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Practical Viva Questions Interview Questions
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What was your last employer?s opinion of you?

1 12696

The first woman President of Indian National Congress was: (a) Indira Gandhi (b) Sarojini Mahishi (c) Annie Besant (d) Vijayalakshmi Pandit

31 66009

what are the advantages of c# over

10 22742

How would we calculate the no of earthing pits required for motor /panel

5 23455

What is the difference between RDBMS and DBMS?

20 73476

How can I make a program in c to print 'Hello' without using semicolon in the code?

9 14659

I want rrb goods guard previous exam papers?

46 54738

Write a C Program to create a structured data file named Student.dat to store the roll no, name and course. Provide following functions: 1. Accept the values from the user using structure variables. Store the contents in a file. 2. Display the file. 3. The user should be able to add new records to the existing file. And display the new file.

4 41159

How much expenditure on petrol and diesel in india per day?

2 11921

Will u plz give me simple diagram for tube light connection & also function of chock?

8 26280

Write a program for calculator in VB.NET

6 17658

clock frequency of 8051 microcontroller.

35 61124

what is name of transformer oil ?

58 137209

LLB full form is bachelor of law, then for what another 'L' stands for?

67 327899

how convert toludin in benzoic acid

3 7985

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'Interface mismatch. Engine version different' . what does this error indicates?


What versions of sap tao you have used?


What is binary search in programming?


What is the instanceof operator in JavaScript?


What is spring design pattern?


explain how to add a middleware in route group?


What is eager and lazy loading in c#?


How do you separate hydrogen and oxygen gases in industrial electrolysis of water process?


How do you find who is logged in?


Why is arraylist faster than linkedlist?


What is interferon induced antiviral state?


What are "methods" and "fields"?


What is aws data pipeline ? And what are the components of aws data pipeline?


do you have any other skills of experiences that we have not discussed?


What is a priority queue java?