How can I make a program in c to print 'Hello' without
using semicolon in the code?

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How can I make a program in c to print 'Hello' without using semicolon in the code?..

Answer / jaya prakash

int main()

//Null statement


Is This Answer Correct ?    51 Yes 3 No

How can I make a program in c to print 'Hello' without using semicolon in the code?..

Answer / prashanth




Is This Answer Correct ?    54 Yes 9 No

How can I make a program in c to print 'Hello' without using semicolon in the code?..

Answer / madhu

int main()


Answer 2nd is correct;

Is This Answer Correct ?    23 Yes 1 No

How can I make a program in c to print 'Hello' without using semicolon in the code?..

Answer / akash dibya


Is This Answer Correct ?    18 Yes 1 No

How can I make a program in c to print 'Hello' without using semicolon in the code?..

Answer / manjushree

int main()


// if u use while loop it goes for an infinite loop , so
better to use if condition

Is This Answer Correct ?    12 Yes 3 No

How can I make a program in c to print 'Hello' without using semicolon in the code?..

Answer / mukul

if( (printf("hello"))

Is This Answer Correct ?    11 Yes 4 No

How can I make a program in c to print 'Hello' without using semicolon in the code?..

Answer / arvind kumar

int main()
while(printf("Arvind kumar C-DAC"))

return 0;


Is This Answer Correct ?    8 Yes 4 No

How can I make a program in c to print 'Hello' without using semicolon in the code?..

Answer / shabeer basha

void main()
// you are use semicolon in your program//

Is This Answer Correct ?    5 Yes 1 No

How can I make a program in c to print 'Hello' without using semicolon in the code?..

Answer / rosaiah

int main()
\* blank*\

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 1 No

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