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Blue Star Interview Questions
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What are the golder rules of Accounts ?

35 80882

How QTP recognizes Objects in AUT?

8 18932

What is multiple inheritance ?

17 23838

what is mutex?

4 8946

write the test cases for date month and year field by using testing techniques

19 95519

wirte the test cases for triangle by using testing techniques

8 39116

In BizTalk development where and how you have to use custom developed .NET components?

4 9844

What is the difference between Sleep and wait in winrunner what is integration testing and types of testing present what is system testing what is data driven testing what is functionality testing if requirements are given to you then how do you write the test cases for it Account number = Ok cancel For above given form the valid account number starts from 1 to 1000 so is it necessary to input the 1,2,3 ….998,999,1000 test cases to check the conditions of valid account numbers I,e is it compulsory to write 1000 test cases for the above form


What is the role of a tester in the test plan preparation? What elements tester physically develops in the test plan document.& what exactly this document contains?

4 14084

what happens if we check 'exclusive' indication in access sequence, and what happens if we do not chec

8 20759

what is the link between Ar and PO modules? waht is link between ap and po? what is link between gl and po? what is link between gl and ap? what is link between gl and ar? what is link between ap and ar?

1 14178

Hi... What is fullform (Stand for) ISI Mark(who is available in any product) ?

16 44121

what is the chiller and working principal


DG B-check,C-Check,D-check is depending upon the running hrs.If the running hrs is not reached as mentioned.How to conduct the DG checks.

15 56289

what is the formula for converting KW into KWH ?

3 6836

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Un-Answered Questions

What is bubbled event can you please explain?


In which files database settings are stored in joomla cms?


What is difference between node and server?


How ternary operators are used in python?


What is version property in hibernate?


What is can-spam act?


Is spring autowired thread safe?


What are various advantages of utilizing xslt?


Thru forms im able to view each employees Pay details in tab (Salary and Entries) but when i run Payroll report i am unable to view the output over the screen nor printout


Did you create help views?


Explain working of a fourneyron turbine?


How to delete the user from salesforce?


explain dynamic binding


What is the use of Struts.xml configuration file?


Explain something you know about de-normalization? : hana administration