What is the difference between Sleep and wait in winrunner what is integration testing and types of testing present what is system testing what is data driven testing what is functionality testing if requirements are given to you then how do you write the test cases for it Account number = Ok cancel For above given form the valid account number starts from 1 to 1000 so is it necessary to input the 1,2,3 ….998,999,1000 test cases to check the conditions of valid account numbers I,e is it compulsory to write 1000 test cases for the above form
2348What is the role of a tester in the test plan preparation? What elements tester physically develops in the test plan document.& what exactly this document contains?
4 14256what happens if we check 'exclusive' indication in access sequence, and what happens if we do not chec
8 21023what is the link between Ar and PO modules? waht is link between ap and po? what is link between gl and po? what is link between gl and ap? what is link between gl and ar? what is link between ap and ar?
1 14274DG B-check,C-Check,D-check is depending upon the running hrs.If the running hrs is not reached as mentioned.How to conduct the DG checks.
15 56707Post New Blue Star Interview Questions
When setting up a campaign, you can use display planner to get an idea of the budget and bids you should set based on your?
What is load utility in db2?
How to provide values to user defined function parameters?
What is configured in /etc/hosts and what is its role in setting Hadoop cluster?
Why we use typescript?
We did promotion activity for X co that co is our client ( S Dr) which we sold tickets through our vendor through out north india ... But those vendors adjusted cash with thir bill and remaining balance we received ,, Ticket amount we paid from our co Bank A/c to our client (S Dr) .the amount is too huge so how can i sort out this in books of acconts ..............
What is the core of the linux operating system?
how you will find an error which is not in the first page of the subfile without using rolldown key?
What id difference between power and energy?
What are different storage class specifiers in c?
How can a called function determine the number of arguments that have been passed to it?
What do you use powerpoint for?
What is the difference between stored procedures and stored functions in oracle?
Give a definition of plant (in sap).
Explain about manipulating the recordset object