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JMC Projects Interview Questions
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what is IS

12 17401

How the reconcilation of the steel can be done?

3 29023

How many layers in 12mm and 18mm plywood?

6 20615

what is slump

5 10284

How to Calculate in measurement RCC Colo um Spred design for Billing

1 2945

what is the minimum cement content for rcc as per is code

4 11089

Heat gain in buildings is best resisted by

6 23106

how the calculatio is taken for shuttering in staircase.

1 20998

how to calculate Tile skirting

5 58234

how can we differentiate the KOTA STONE and SHAHABAD STONE by vision?

2 13778

What is the cutting length formula of tringle ring?

1 7470

Difference between wbm and gsb in road construction

4 56419

M30,M35,M40,M45 how much ratio

3 17421

In beam where lapping is allowed for top and bottom bars?

1 5662

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Is powerpoint easy to use?


Who many vpc, internet gateway, customer gateway, vpn can be created per region.


How did PL/I originate?


What is difference between database and spreadsheet?


What are the flavours or editions of qlikview?


Explain the definition of normalized and denormalized view?


Is windows 10 or 8 better?


Difference between table delete and form delete?


How much time should social media marketing take each week?


. Using sed and grep, write a command which lists files and directories with following properties: (i) created in 1999 (ii) with user's as owner and group


How have some stars had time to die since the universe began?


What is isset function?


Explain fi organizational structure?


How do you write html?


Mention few case manipulation functions in sql