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JMC Projects Interview Questions
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what is IS

12 17404

How the reconcilation of the steel can be done?

3 29023

How many layers in 12mm and 18mm plywood?

6 20617

what is slump

5 10287

How to Calculate in measurement RCC Colo um Spred design for Billing

1 2945

what is the minimum cement content for rcc as per is code

4 11095

Heat gain in buildings is best resisted by

6 23112

how the calculatio is taken for shuttering in staircase.

1 21003

how to calculate Tile skirting

5 58238

how can we differentiate the KOTA STONE and SHAHABAD STONE by vision?

2 13779

What is the cutting length formula of tringle ring?

1 7470

Difference between wbm and gsb in road construction

4 56430

M30,M35,M40,M45 how much ratio

3 17421

In beam where lapping is allowed for top and bottom bars?

1 5662

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why we can use dust in concrete insted of fly ash


State four different types of flow measurement, for gas flow measurement MMSCFD is the common unit expand the unit and specify significance of word S in the unit.


What is dialect in java?


How do I insert a list of tables in word for mac?


What is nesting in html?


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What is the shortcut for save as?


Does QTP Support the Propjects which are running in Dot Net? As we are starting with new project in Dot net need to use automation tool?Please advice & let me know what would be the best.


Why the add_action() function not work in member function in wordpress?


How to access standard error stream in PHP?


Explain the tensorflow and its uses?


What is autosum in excel?


Does office 365 business premium include access?


What are common uses of Apache Spark?


what are the various ways to kick-off a workflow you can either use wf_engine.start_process or you can attach a runnable process such ghat it subscribes to a workflow event.when starting (kicking off) an oracle workflow process, how do you ensure that it happens in a background mode?