The country helped in arihant’s built?
Is shell scripting easy to learn?
how to design and calculate materail quantity for concrete speedbreaker ?
How have you decided what level of detail to go into?
How to reduce image resolution in C#?
Can you tell the difference between $message and $$message?
please give me a last 10 years sbi clerk question and answer paper
Explain the difference between zend_registry and zend_session in zend?
Where do you set the priority for a work queue item is done in blue prism?
How do I reset my file format?
The maximum amount of axial load to be applied on a clutch plate is a) 100 KN b) 200 KN c) 300 KN d) 400 KN
Tell me is running apache as a root is a security risk?
What does $? Mean in unix?
What are interrupts in arduino?
What is the use of flash chamber in a vapour compression refrigeration cycle to improve the cop of refrigeration cycle ?