1. What means HART communicator / where it is used / how to use it? 2. Types of Thermocouples and its temperature ranges / output of thermocouple? 3. Types of RTDs and its temperature ranges / output of RTD? 4. Idea about Temperature Transmitters? 5. Difference between Analog and Digital signals? 6. Difference between “2 wire” and “4 wire” system / instruments? 7. Difference between “Potential” and “Potential free” contact? 8. Types of flow meters / transmitters? 9. Types of level transmitters? 10. Difference between “Power/Control” cable and “Instrument” cable? 11. What means “shield” and “screen” in cables / how it is useful? 12. Draw a schematic of closed loop circuit of flow / level / pressure / temperature? 13. Idea about calibration of Control valve / positioned / I/P? 14. How to bypass a digital/analog signal in PLC/DCS by hardwire and software?
6 45436Post New JSL Instrumentation Interview Questions
Why scala prefers immutability?
What is the formula to find duplicates in excel?
What is clause?
What is the dimension in bw?
How do I start linux?
Can run the form on server side?
Explain what are the tasks that loadmanger process will do?
Is python good for web development?
What interests you about the position of Medical Librarian in our company?
Hi I need real time senarios and how to explain project in the interview pls let me know my email id m.n.prathyusha@gmail.com.Please help me out with this pls pls pls muthireddi@gmail.com
Can free-form SQL queries be used with Sqoop import command? If yes, then how can they be used?
What are the characteristics of derivatives?
what are the jobs that SBI will provide for ECE students
What are the Types of repositories in ODI?
Is there a reverse concatenate in excel?