Draw the current Vs time graph for an inductor connected to a d.c. source. How will you measure power of a transmissioon line? Tell all the steps alongwith the components used in power generation. Which law governs the induced emf?
2571Post New Bhel Electronics Communications Interview Questions
Explain some properties of manganese steel?
What is the definition of keyword?
How to Use Delphi or C++ Builder to Run a Query in a Text file ?
Is it legal to set the number of reducer task to zero? Where the output will be stored in this case?
Difference between struts and spring? Or why use spring, if you are already using struts?
What is fuzz testing?
What is soft & hard andover????
What are different categories of Database Statements?
What is numpy?
Define a uniformly distributed load.
What is the default value of "javax.rmi.corba.utilclass" property?
Why do we need closure in swift?
What is the procedure to call a constructor for a parent class?
What are the key activities under sap grc access control?
Explain typecasting in javascript?