What are the 4 types of laws?
Why cross join is used?
What is array list in java?
What are the Synchronous and asynchronous methods in bdc ?
Explain connectivity between datastage with datasources?
Lists the benefits of c programming language?
Please sent me some previous year question papers of BSNL-JTO telecom and RRB in ELectrical Engineering to varshashahi@yahoo.com
What does it mean when company says "no physical exam"? : insurance sales
What is a field status group? : fi- general ledger master data
Explain different http methods supported by restful web services?
What is the difference between jboss and weblogic?
How to set the number of reducers?
What are all the ways for session tracking?
On each opportunity stage change, I want to display a new section on the page layout. How to achieve this?
write a programming in c to find the sum of all elements in an array through function.