HOw to submit a job from other user id.? for exp some other job name like "t4622sdx".now i want to submit that job from my user id?(we don't know that location at all Just we know job name)
1 8771From peak purity spectrum, where or at which point peak purity angle & purity threshold is checked?
1 3692In case of HPLC coloums what is the difference Between C8 & C18 coloums & how can we select difference type of coloums like Inertial ODS , Hypersil BDS , ODS etc.?
4 32177Retention time & Relative Retention time Definition & between difference? How to Calculate response factor(RF) & relative response factor(RRF)?
3 19023Is there any difference in principal of reverse phase and normal phase chromatography? and why? Please update. Thank and regard
3 10332Post New MSN Pharma Interview Questions
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What are the limitations of context filters?
How can a process be deployed in soa?
explain the environment varaibles with example?
can anyone help me with an article or a few pointers on what are the industry expectations from Fresh engineers in today's market scenario
Can wildcards be used in authorizations?
What is res folder in android?
Ow can I insert or delete a line (or record) in the middle of a file?
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How to convert json string to object?
What is the difference between couchdb and rdbms?
Tell me what category of commands can be executed in data mover?
Why to use perl scripting?
Where does cost of capex order settled?
At full load wat is the motor p.f And at no load will is the motor p.f?