why pegging is required for deaerator in power plant nd why maintain the constant pressure in deaerator 3.5 kg/cm2.
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What is difference between supervised and unsupervised learning algorithms?
When workflow even fires?
How to Storing Session Data in Laravel ?
Which performance measurement tells us how much more of the budget is required to finish the project? A. ETC B. EV C. AC D. EAC
why do you think you qualify for a human resources manager position
IF Statements BLOCK 1 . IF a >= b THEN do_this …..; ELSE do_that….; END IF BLOCK 2 . IF a < b THEN do_that …..; ELSE do_this….; END IF; • Given any pair of non-NULL values for “a” and”b”, will Block 1 and Block 2 do the same thing? • What if either “a” or”b” (or both) is NULL?
What is the difference between set and unordered_set?
How is propeller fitted in shaft?
Why does dllimport not work for me?
What is a protocol in swift?
How to open a new test using quicktest professional (qtp)?
What does a vpn consists of?
What are analogies for a vacuole?
What is milivolt dop test in Busducts? What is its significance & procedure to do the test?
tell me about a time you had to deal with a conflict between a licensed and unlicensed personnel and how handled the situation?