What are the types of hooks?
Which language is best for text analytics? R or python?
A get next item action should almost invariably be followed by which stage in blue prism?
Explain the default pages of Process/Object?
What Is A Cloud?
Tell me which data types is not supported by the peoplecode programming environment?
How to set database connection in laravel?
What is the stuff and how does it differ from the replace function?
Define "Action" in Spark
in case of vehicle hired for staff pick up & drop for 1 month or 1 year, TDS is applicable ? if yes then which code is mention in challan & which rate is applicable ? in case of vehicle orner is personal or company which rate applicatble ?
i want to know how to determine that a surge arrester work properly in 11kv system. and how to test a 12kv surge arrester
Explain about a tricky situation for which you found a very simple solution?
Name the transform that you would use to combine incoming data sets to produce a single output data set with the same schema as the input data sets?
What is the projected lifetime value of a customer? - Venture Capitalists