NRI deposits are popularly known as (a) Soft money (b) Hot money (c) Call money (d) Dear money
1 10480Which one of the following dynasties was ruling over North India at the time of Alexander?s invasion? (a) Nanda (b) Maurya (c) Sunga (d) Kanva
3 13953The term ?Punter? is associated with the game of: (a) Golf (b) Polo (c) Bridge (d) Horse Racing
2 15709Duncan passage lies between: (a) South Andaman and Little Andaman (b) South and Middle Andaman Islands (c) North and Middle Andaman Islands (d) North and South Andaman Islands
7 50126How many such pairs of letters are there in the word STAINLESS each of which has as many letters between them in the word as they have in the English alphabet, in the same sequence? (a) Two (b) Three (c) Four (d) Five (e) None of these
29 134968The difference between a number and its three-fifth is 50. What is the number? (a) 75 (b) 100 (c) 125 (d) 80 (e) None of these
7 41172How often the Finance Commission is constituted in India? (a) Only once (b) Once every year (c) After every 5 years (d) After every 10 years
6 20280In the election of the President of India (a) The total number of votes to be cast by all the elected members of both Houses of parliament will be equal to the total number of votes cast by all the members of all State Assemblies (b) The total number of votes cast by the Members of both Houses of Parliament is less than the total number of votes cast by all the members of the State Assemblies (c) The total number of votes cast by both the Houses of Parliament is double than that of the number of votes cast by the State Assemblies (d) None of these is correct
1 5670The largest source of revenue in India is (1) Sales tax (2) Excise duty (3) Income tax (4) Corporate tax
22 1066561) int i=5; j=i++ + i++ + i++; printf("%d",j);This code gives the answer 15.But if we replace the value of the j then anser is different?why? 2)int i=5; printf("%d",i++ + i++ + i++); this givs 18.
8 64275Please suggest me how to prepare for the Bank Probationary Officers examination. I cant go to any coaching classes, so im preparing at plese tell me any tips regarding how to prepare for the exams.. thank you
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