Is learning django worth it?
Tell the minimum requirements for installing typescript. Or how can we get typescript and install it?
what is diffrance between FF & SMART, explain with difination
Is it possible to provide special behavior for one instance of a template but not for other instances?
What is the major difference between servlet and applet?
What is mixin in ruby?
On what Purpose helical gears are used?
what are system options for install base?
Why can't we connect source qualifier and aggrigator transformation to an expression ? Why they resticted to conncet 2 active trasformations to an passive transformation ?
How do I create a csv file?
54 Comments Alok and Bhanu play the following min-max game. Given the expression N = 38 + X*(Y – Z) where X, Y and Z are variables representing single digits (0 to 9), Alok would like to maximize N while Bhanu would like to minimize it. Towards this end, Alok chooses a single digit number and Bhanu substitutes this for a variable of her choice (X, Y or Z). Alok then chooses the next value and Bhanu, the variable to substitute the value. Finally Alok proposes the value for the remaining variable. Assuming both play to their optimal strategies, the value of N at the end of the game would be?
How much bytes do integer and decimal data types hold in python?
in a scenario where an administrator needs to migrate the entire application server profiles from v6.1 to v8 using profile management tool (pmt) and he wants to keep all windows services created for these profiles, how to make sure that these windows services are kept after migration process?
what is clustering?
What are the new features in R12?