whatis the test condition for the leakage current rating for 25kv high voltage test on PVC armoured cable?
1585im an electronics and communication engineering..i have to attend an interview based on contract basis.i kindly request u to send all possible questions to my mail...its varsha.happy@rediffmail.com
1666Formula to calculate amps rating when we are having only the width & thickness of the coppper ?
2 5006Post New BEL Interview Questions
Explain the difference between sap and oracle?
What is rmi and ejb in java?
Is OHNS steel is equivalent to O1 tool steel? Suppliers give OHNS material for AISI O1 STEEL telling that both are equivalent materials. Is this correct?
Is sae same as af?
What is the purpose of washing?
How to create a directory?
The velocity of a body was noted to be constant during five minutes of its motion. What was acceleration during this interval its?
What are the types of comments in c#?
Identify the parts of indicator diagram?
How do I get data from web api in angularjs 7?
What is white box testing and black box testing?
what is Pick map and what is the use of it? I want to configure a MVG applet on a filed in opportunity form applet. and when i select fields from MVG , it should reflect on the form applet(means there should be changes on fields in MVG according to Field select from MVG appler). Is this possible (with MVG or Picklist)?
What is apache virtual host?
Can you explain new content durability?
Will windows 10 education expire?