(1)In Cl Program,Are PGM and ENDPGM mandatery Keywords or not .If yes, please tell me why these keywords is necessary. (2)If we will not define these two keywords (PGMand ENDPGM) then any error will be come or not.
5 20433I have dataset DS1 which has records say 1 2 3 4 5 ... ... etc And also I have second dataset DS2 whcih has records 1 3 4 5 6 8 .. ... Both the files are sorted and now I want to compare these files and write it into the third files if the records are matching.
4 11003Write a code check the checkbox in the web table which is in the 4th row and fifth column (Use child item concept)
2 17269requirement is for combo box your expected value is str= "Denver.Frankfurt.London.Los Angeles.Paris.Portland.San Francisco.Seattle.Sydney.Zurich" you must get the text in combo box and need to compare them how
1655requirement is for combo box your expected value is str= "Denver.Frankfurt.London.Los Angeles.Paris.Portland.San Francisco.Seattle.Sydney.Zurich" ar = Window("Flight Reservation").WinComboBox("Fly From:").GetContent your actual value is : that shows data in combo box how can u test the both data is correct or not by using split function
1 4079I have DATE filed like DD-MM-YYYY, So I want output should be MM/DD/YYYY using JCL? Can anybody post the answer for above requirement?
4 18866HOw Hash Partion Works Thank you in Advance i have doubts on Hash Partion TEch Could please give me the clear understandable notation example e_id,dept_no 1,10 2,10 3,20 4,20 5,30 6,40 i have TWo Nodes/Three Nodes My questions are: 1).if i select hash key as e_id how Hash partion will distribute the data in to two NOdes/three NOdes 2).if i select hash key as dept_no how Hash partion will distribute the data in to two NOdes/three NOdes sivakumar.katta7@gmail.com
5 9771Post New FIS Interview Questions
What is sandbox in iOS operating system?
Why do we add doctype in html?
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What do you mean by Checkbox ?
Explain the terms test and business component?
Define Apache Pig?
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Give a popular application of machine learning that you see on day to day basis?
Why is model transformations used in the embedded system?
if you run the app program all vendor open items are cleared but is it possible to reverse the again again open items please tell me the answer
How are the diagrams divided in UML?
If a table does not have a unique index, can a cursor be opened on it?
How Will You Decide The Residential Status Of An Individual?
The moisture in air will condense at
What are different access specifiers in java?