Current version of GDG is ID.GDG.FILE.G0001V00. JCL has procedure with 2 steps like below, What will be the output file name in each step ? PROC starts Step 1 has ID.GDG.FILE(+1) Step2 has ID.GDG.FILE(+4) PEND Similarly, JCL has 2 steps in 2 separate procedure. What will be the output file names here ? PROC starts Step 1 has ID.GDG.FILE(+1) PEND PROC1 starts Step2 has ID.GDG.FILE(+4) PEND
2 6340A STEP has more than 1 file as INPUT. And we have to put all these records int 1 output file. How to do ? //InputF DD DSN=ID.File1 DSN=ID.File2 DSN=ID.File3
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