I am newly appointed postman in delhi. My pay scale is 5200-20200 and GP is 2000. What will be my total salary.
2 23696sir i m working as postal assistant from last two years, i heared about system assistant job in post office. please tell me about qualification for that particular cadre
1616I got selected in Department of Posts,India as sorting assistant in RMS. I am MA rank holder and got research grant from state govt funding agency . will i get a loss of pay long leave from department of posts or do i have to resign? thanks sabu
2771Hi my dear friends and colleagues in postal department.(postal assistant) i want mutual transfer from vriddhachalam div to chennai division.is anybody willing pls contact my mobile no. 9884887749
1837hi.. recently i applied postal assistants job.. and i posted already the postal form to delhi..IN THAT I FORGOT TO SEND ORIGINAL RECIEPT OF UCR NUMBER... (BUT IN OMR SHEET BOX I CORRECTLY ENTER THE UCR NUMBER)..IS THIS ANY PROBLEM?
2263what is the pay of an employee who working as postman on 12.03.2003 and as postal assistant on 28.05.2008 promoted after departmental examination.kindly give a detailed description.
1591The Authority to alter the boundaries of states in india rests with: a. State Government b. President c. prime minister d.Parliament
9 32199hey I have been selected as postal assistant in tamilnadu. Is there any way by which i can get transfer to kerala. if yes how ?
1461Post New India Post Interview Questions
a characteristic of a multiprogramming is? a.simultaneous exe of pgm instr 4m 2 appli b.concurrent processing of 2 r more prgms c.multiple cpu s d.all the abov
What is in a database?
How to enable tracing for document managers
Python read a single character from the user?
What are logical databases?
i want design of D.C.MOTOR 1HP 960RPM AND 2HP 960RPM ITS URRGENT
how do you integrate Perl or shell automation scripts in TD?
Mention what is byref and byval parameters in vbscript?
What is a web part zone?
For the symmetrical continuous beam shown in figure, Prestressed with a force P = 1500 KN along parabolic curve as shown, compute the extreme fiber stresses over the central support for the uniformly distributed load of 24 kn/m. Use load balancing method.
give three popular algorithms used for encryption?
Explain the static storage classes in c++.
In cement making,what is meaning of blend,fineness,density.
what is checksum in sql server.........???
What is xml format in excel?